Adding a new cash flow to QuantLib, part I
Today’s post was originally published in the July 2024 issue of Wilmott Magazine.
A new QuantLib book
I didn’t initially plan for this to happen right before Christmas, but, well, here we are. I just published A QuantLib Guide. You’re welcome.
Pricing over a range of days
In this post, another old notebook originally included in the QuantLib Python Cookbook and updated for publication here.
Updating multiple market quotes
Like a householder who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old, this time I’m posting an updated version of a notebook whose old version is included in the QuantLib Python Cookbook.
Cash flows and bonds in QuantLib
This post was originally published in the May 2024 issue of Wilmott Magazine.
Coupons with multiple resets
Schedules in QuantLib
Numerical Greeks
Holidays in QuantLib
Different kinds of swaps
Inflation indexes and curves
The Observer pattern in QuantLib
Asset swaps
Using QuantLib interactively
The effect of today's fixing on bootstrapping
Assessing duration risk in QuantLib
The Black-Scholes model in QuantLib
Handling dependencies in QuantLib
Cross-currency swaps
A QuantLib-Python companion for the Ametrano-Bianchetti paper
Payment-in-kind bonds
The code from my Wilmott articles is now available
A QuantLib series on Wilmott magazine
Other QuantLib blogs
LIBOR fallback calculation
Oh, bother: email subscription is being turned off
Leaving C++03: for real this time
A few news items
QuantLib in 2020 and beyond
Implementing QuantLib is now available in Japanese
QuantLib in the last decade
Implementing QuantLib is now available in Chinese
A quick look at the QuantLib 1.16 release
A quick look at the QuantLib 1.15 release
Introductory training on QuantLib in Python
Leaving C++03: compiler compatibility so far
QuantLib notebook: using curves with different day count conventions
QuantLib notebook: discount margin calculation
Leaving C++03: more STL classes
QuantLib notebook: a glitch in forward rates
Leaving C++03: a recap
QuantLib notebook: more mischievous conventions
A quick look at the QuantLib 1.14 release
QuantLib notebook: mischievous bond conventions
QuantLib notebook: building irregular bonds
QuantLib notebook: pricing on a range of days
The QuantLib Python Cookbook is almost done
Leaving C++03: tooling, part 2
Leaving C++03: tooling, part 1
Leaving C++03: deprecated standard features
A quick look at the QuantLib 1.13 release
QuantLib notebook: dangerous day-count conventions
Leaving C++03: automation, part 3
Leaving C++03: automation, part 2
Leaving C++03: automation, part 1
Leaving C++03: standard smart pointers
Leaving C++03: an experiment
The benefits of procrastination
A quick look at the QuantLib 1.12 release
QuantLib notebook: rho for the Black process
The slides from QLUM17 are available
Screencast: my talk at the QuantLib user meeting 2017
A quick look at the QuantLib 1.11 release
A look back at the Implementing QuantLib series
Odds and ends: the Visitor pattern
Odds and ends: the Singleton pattern
Odds and ends: the Observer pattern
Odds and ends: disposable objects
Odds and ends: linear algebra
Odds and ends: statistics
Odds and ends: solvers and optimizers
QuantLib notebook: par and indexed coupons
Odds and ends: exercises and payoffs
A quick look at the QuantLib 1.10 release
More tools: Travis CI, Codacy, and Codecov
A visual history of QuantLib
Chapter 8, part 13: finite-difference schemes and solvers
Chapter 8, part 12: initial, boundary, and step conditions
Test coverage in QuantLib
Numerical Greeks
'Tis the season
Report from the QuantLib user meeting in Düsseldorf
Chapter 8, part 11: Black-Scholes finite-difference operators
Chapter 8, part 6.5: time-dependent operators
A quick look at the QuantLib 1.9 release
QuantLib notebook: market quotes
Odds and ends: market quotes
Chapter 8, part 10: basic finite-difference operators
QuantLib and SWIG
Chapter 8, part 9 of n: finite-difference iterators
Chapter 8, part 8 of n: finite-difference meshers
Chapter 8, part 7 of n: the new finite-difference framework
Report from the QuantLib user meeting in London
Translating QuantLib Python examples to C++
The ABCD of Interest Rate Basis Spreads
The QuantLib Python Cookbook is available
PSA: QuantLib User Meeting in London
A quick look at the QuantLib 1.8 release
New blog engine, old URL
QuantLib notebook: interest-rate sensitivities
Christmas break
Screencast: my talk at the QuantLib user meeting 2015
Report from the QuantLib user meeting in Düsseldorf
A quick look at the QuantLib 1.7 release
Chapter 8, part 6 of n: example, American option
Upcoming: QuantLib User Meeting 2015
QuantLib notebook: term structures and reference dates
Chapter 8, part 5 of n: finite-difference models
Chapter 8, part 4 of n: step conditions
MoneyScience Hangout available on YouTube
Chapter 8, part 3 of n: boundary conditions
PSA: Google Hangout
A quick look at the QuantLib 1.6 release
Chapter 8, part 2 of n: evolution schemes
Chapter 8, part 1 of n: the finite-differences framework.
An IPython notebook server with QuantLib on Docker
Odds and ends: interpolations
QuantLib notebook: duration of a floating-rate bond
Chapter 7, part 6 of 6: an example of tree-based engine
Chapter 7, part 5 of 6: tree-based lattices
Chapter 7, part 4 of 6: trinomial trees
Chapter 7, part 3 of 6: binomial trees
Chapter 7, part 2 of 6: examples of discretized assets
Chapter 7, part 1 of 6: the tree framework
Implementing QuantLib available from Leanpub
QuantLib notebook: numerical Greeks calculation
A quick look at the 1.5 release
Odds and ends: global settings
Odds and ends: indexes
Report from the QuantLib user meeting in Düsseldorf
Odds and ends: date calculations
Announcement: QuantLib user meeting 2014
QuantLib notebook: implied term structures
Intermission: book update and summer schedule
Chapter 6, part 8 of 8: example
Chapter 6, part 7 of 8: Monte Carlo simulations
Chapter 6, part 6 of 8: Monte Carlo models
Chapter 6, part 5 of 8: path generators
QuantLib notebook: random numbers
Chapter 6, part 4 of 8: more processes
Chapter 6, part 3 of 8: the Black-Scholes process
Chapter 6, part 2 of n: stochastic processes
Chapter 6, part 1 of n: random-number generation
QuantLib notebooks
Still on hiatus
Screencast: term structures
Screencast: instruments and pricing engines
Chapter 4, part 5 of 5: cash-flow analysis
Chapter 4, part 4 of 5: generating cash-flow sequences
Chapter 4, part 3 of 5: coupon examples
Chapter 4, part 2 of 5: floating-rate coupons
Chapter 4, part 1 of 5: Cash flows and coupons
Chapter 3, part 7 of 7; interest-rate volatilities
Intermission: book update and holiday hiatus
Odds and ends: error reporting
The strange case of the changing implied term structure
Chapter 3, part 6 of n: volatility term structures
Screencast: my talk at the QuantLib User Meeting
Report from the QuantLib User Meeting
Interlude: code archaeology
Chapter 3, part 5 of n: other term structures
Odds and ends: interest rates
Chapter 3, part 4 of n: adding z-spread to an interest-rate curve
Chapter 3, part 3 of n: bootstrapping an interest-rate curve
Chapter 3, part 2 of n: Yield term structures
Chapter 3, part 1 of n: Term structures
Odds and ends: basic types
Intermission: LaTeX style file and some musings.
Chapter 5, part 5 of 5: Model example
Chapter 5, part 4 of 5: Models and calibration
Chapter 5, part 3 of n: Model parameters
Chapter 5, part 2 on n: Example
Chapter 5, part 1 of n: Parameterized models and calibration
Odds and ends: smart pointers and handles
Chapter 2, part 4 of 4: Example
Chapter 2, part 3 of 4: Pricing engines
Chapter 2, part 2 of 4: Example
Chapter 2, part 1 of 4: Financial instruments
The Plan of the Book