
This is a short post to let you know that Goutham Balaraman and I have mostly finished the content of the QuantLib Python Cookbook. The new version is available now, and if you already bought a previous version you can log into Leanpub and download the updated one from your library. (Also, if you bought a previous version, you might have received an email notifying you of the update. If you didn’t, it’s because of GDPR, and if you want to receive future notifications you need to log into Leanpub and opt in.)

Why mostly finished? This version is compatible with Python 3, but it’s still based on notebooks running under Python 2.7, IPython notebook and old versions of related modules such as Pandas or Matplotlib.

For the next version of the book we’ll run the notebooks with Python 3, Jupyter, and the latest versions of the support modules, we’ll polish the plots a bit, and we’ll call the thing finished (modulo errata, which we might fix as we find them). Expect news from us in a month or so.

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