Welcome back.

It’s out! The first version of the QuantLib Python Cookbook that I’ve been co-writing with Goutham Balaraman is now available on Leanpub.


The current version contains about half of the notebooks we’ve planned, but I hope that you’ll find something to your liking already. We’ll be adding content more or less regularly in the coming months.

Two reminders before I let you go. First, the Quaternion-sponsored QuantLib User Meeting in London on July 12th, whose agenda is at this link; and second, the next edition of my Introduction to QuantLib Development course on September 21st to 23rd in London (see my Training page if you’re not familiar with it), whose details are at http://bit.ly/QuantLib-2016.

Follow me on Twitter if you want to be notified of new posts, or add me to your Google+ circles, or subscribe via RSS: the buttons for that are in the footer. Also, make sure to check my Training page.